Public Works
How Can We Help You?
DPW Calendar
2023 Monmouth County Recycling Guide
Bulk Trash & Electronics Recycling Schedule
Roll-Off Container Service
Household Hazardous Waste
Reporting a Streetlight Outage


90 White Road
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

Monday - Friday 7:00am to 3:00pm
Saturday -  8:00am to 12:00pm

Tel: 732-741-0522         
Fax: 732-741-4545

Director:  Matthew Hall  x-402

All items must be placed out curbside by 6:00am day of pickup

NOTICE: Unauthorized dumping of any materials or debris on Borough property is prohibited by local ordinances. Such properties include but are not limited to the Municipal Complex, Recycling Center, Parks and Ball fields, Compost Facility and Patriot Island.

Household and Bulk Trash

Zone 1 - Mondays and Thursdays: 
Highway 35 and all streets west of highway 35 including, Avenue at the Common, Winding Brookway, Blades Run Dr., Meadow Dr. east, Brady Road, Thornbrooke Drive, Dorn Drive, Campbell Ct.,  and Adams Way.

Zone 2 - Tuesdays and Fridays: 
All streets east of highway 35 except those streets listed above.

 NOTICE: Household Trash should be in trash cans with secure lids weighing no more than 50 pounds. 

Recycling Schedule
On Holidays or Snowstorms collection will be the next scheduled pick up day. 

All recycling will be collected on Wednesday; this includes newspapers, bottles and cans, plastics, junk mail (mixed paper) and cardboard. All items are to be placed curbside.  All recycled material may be intermixed in the same can, not to exceed 50lbs per can.

ZONE 1 – EVERY Wednesday

ZONE 2  EVERY Wednesday

RECYCLING PAD Hours of Operation:  7am to 3pm -  Monday through Friday.  Saturday 8am to 12:00pm – Except Holidays

Single Stream Recycling Alert
The quality of the single stream recycling collection in the Borough of Shrewsbury has caused an extreme increase in the cost each month. There is a zero-tolerance policy for contaminated single stream we collect curbside. Single stream recycling is to consist of cardboard, newspaper, bottles, cans and plastics, none of which can be contaminated with food waste and most importantly the single stream recycling is to be loose – NO PLASTIC BAGS AT ALL.

Brush and Leaf Collection

Brush and Leaves must be separated!
Advise your landscaper - 
Combination piles will not be picked up!

Brush and Leaves are recyclable materials. They should be placed curbside SEPARATELY for collection. DO NOT bag leaves. All brush must be cut to a maximum of 6-foot lengths. To keep storm drains clear and prevent flooding during rainy weather, leave a space between the curb and the leaves/brush.

NO BRUSH may be placed curbside after 7:00 am on your last scheduled pick up day in October.

**Brush will be collected April through October;**

**Leaves will be collected April through June and September through December.**

 **Do not put brush or leaves out at any other times.**


To Report Potholes and DPW Questions

To contact DPW or to report a pothole on a Shrewsbury street, click here to let us know.  Please do not include State or County Roads (Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury Avenue, and Broad Street).

Shrewsbury cannot fix potholes located on state and county roads and they must be reported to the governmental agency responsible for the road. Route 35/Broad Street - please use this link to the NJ Pothole Reporting Form and fill out the requested information or call 1-800-Pothole and
press 2.  

Newman Springs Rd, Sycamore Ave & Shrewsbury Ave - Please call the Monmouth County Pothole Hotline at 732-431-6550.


Styrofoam Recycling

The Borough of Shrewsbury is proud to accept #6 EPS Expanded Polystyrene for recycling at the Borough Recycling Center .

Accepted Items

Acceptable recyclable foam material items include white, clean expanded polystyrene (EPS), most commonly known as Styrofoam, which sometimes can be identified by the recycle symbol #6. As a general rule usually furniture, appliances, and electrical fixtures are packed in recycable foam material. 

All styrofoam must be clean and white and clean of all tape, stickers, cardboard, glue and labels, as well as all dirt, dust and paint.


Not Accepted Items

The following items are not accepted for recycling:

* Food service foam

*Colored foam

*Meat Trays

*Packing Peanuts or foam

*Styrofoam cups

Any recycling questions please email: